Reach out and Read

Reach Out and Read Alabama

Reach Out and Read Alabama, a program of the Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, gives young children a foundation for success by incorporating books into pediatric care and encouraging families to read aloud together.

Tennessee Valley Pediatrics believes in giving children the best start in life. Research shows that the #1 predictor of school success in books in the home. When children have a home library, as little as 20 books in their home, they achieve 3 more years of schooling than children that don't have books in the home.

Even babies benefit from reading. They connect with you and make connections in their brain to books and love. Their brain literally maps new pathways as you snuggle and read to them. You don't have to read every world. You can start by pointing at the pictures. Make the voices with preschoolers. Take turns reading pages with your older child. Show them a love for reading.

TVP will give your child a new book at every check up between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. We prescribe that you or a family member or close friend read to your child for a few minutes every day!

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